Embracing Lunacy

Lunacy overcame me this morning at about 1am. Laying in bed I was intensely aware of pockets of decay in my own spirit, and the palpable full moon energy showering me with its blessings. This is the second full moon in as many months to offer me energy to help in late night transformative work.


I moved into the living room and started to slow my breathing and intensify my awareness of what I was feeling. I was easily distracted, running from some pretty dank places in me. I knew if I stuck with it, receiving the full moon energy without resistance or preconceived notions, I could heal a loss and move closer to the life I want for me and my family.
Letting go into lunar energy, letting go into any big energy, can be scary. After all, our ancestors have probably feared becoming ‘lunatics’ for centuries. Its the fear of forgetting oneself, of being swept away by a mid-summer nights dream. Perhaps at its heart this fear points to a wound we carry as a people. The scar left when our religions tried to cleaved our spirits from the greater spirit of nature.
Sitting there I was able to deeply embrace the lunar night, inviting lunacy into my life. I woke up with the realization that part of the funk I’ve been in lately can be solved by walking barefoot on our land. That will also help me feel more in touch with dance, and it will also help my Franken-foot heal more quickly. (See Chainsaw Wisdom for more info on that!)
Sometimes real sanity can only be found by casting ourselves into lunacy. Walking barefoot shifts my consciousness, welcomes the earth into my body, and helps me stay in touch with the Sovereign power of the land. I forget about me and think more about everything else. Lunacy teaches me how important it is to take myself a little less seriously every day.

Eggplant Blossom

Of course my heart needs to know what to do with lunacy once its fully received. I think we’re born knowing how to receive the energy of full moons to supercharge our innate processes of inner renewal. Lunacy tills the soil of our hearts, letting our souls light shine through.
This heart wisdom is not lost in our culture. Not always easy to carry, it becomes easier to spot in others once you’ve recognized it in yourself. I have the wisdom mostly of women to thank for my lunacy processing skills, a few extra-ordinary men as well. Professional lunatics who’ve managed to escape the scrutiny of our anti-lunatic culture tend to seek out potential lunatics. Now if we could only elect more professional lunatics, our world might be a little less crazy right now.
I’ve no doubt the moon has many more lessons for me. I can still sense the places in myself where the wisdom of lunacy has not yet found purchase. With the help of friends and loved ones I’ll find a way to let the moon’s spirit break through to those places as well.

In the meantime, check out the awesome eggplant blossom I spotted a few hours ago!

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