The Problem is You’re Doctoring Souls

…and you see, we just don’t have souls anymore. We can’t afford them.

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and the soul has no impact on your emotional or physical life, it belongs only to the hereafter.

The problem is you’re doctoring souls, and we banished that practice long ago. To bring it back would be to court the chaos that consumed the world so many times. To bring that back would be to return to a depth of feeling and passion that is just too damned messy. We’ve got a good thing going here. Why fuck things up now?

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and nobody cares about their own soul anymore. Maybe if you could get it to appear on youtube with a cute cat and a baby or something…

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and there’s just no money to be made in souls, unless you want to start a religion, and then we can surely talk.

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and I’m a man of science!!

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and white people don’t do that work, its only “primitive” people that do that work. White souls live in some crazy bank in the sky somewhere.

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and thats nothing but New Age crap. Because it has to be. Because you’re white, its happening now, and everything spiritual and white is crap. Including the New Age.

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and if people have souls, then so does everything else, maybe. And if everything else has a soul, how are we to attach a price tag to it?

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and the world does not have a soul, also its being studied, dissected and portioned out to the highest bidder right now. Most of it already belongs to BP, Chevron, Monsanto and IBM.

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and if we all stopped to worry about our own souls, to feel the power and force of our own spirits, then we might stop consuming as much.

The problem is you’re doctoring souls and if people get wind of having a soul then they might rediscover that their own voice is as wild as the most craven struggling urchin pulling itself up from the deep waters of forever to basque in a tide pool and then die a glorious death in the sun.

The problem is disease has nothing to do with the soul, it can’t because thats what we’ve decided. And the medical industry would be very upset to learn otherwise.

The problem is there is no life after this, you have no meaning beyond what you can assign yourself now. And thats because I say so.

The problem is you are a soul doctor, and that means you have a culture and a people. And academics have said we have no authentic culture and we are not really a people.

The problem is you are a soul doctor, and when you make people aware of their souls, then they understand they have somewhere to go, something more to become. They understand they are eternally blossoming, if only they pay attention.

Alan Watts once said your soul is not inside your body, your body is inside your soul. He was right and even truer than that is this – all of our souls, living and dead, exist within the soul of the Earth.

When people think of shamanism, they think of the window dressing. They think of the beads and dancing, and shaman as gunslinger or shaman as speaker of truth to power, shaman as master of ceremony. That is only what the blind see. Shamans are soul doctors. They work to care for our souls.

Every mother who has ever mothered, every father who has truly fathered, every revolutionary who has cared for the soul of a people, every earth steward who has cared for the life of another creature, they and more are all soul doctors.

The problem is you’re doctoring souls, and that may stop us from the downward spiral we all know we’re in. Healers make us all more whole. Thats where we need to go.

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